Whether the Tabata Training Method and Basic Military Training Had Different Effects on Improving Military Physical Fitness: An Experimental Study
The growth of physical freshness gradually, stratified, and continually so that physical fitness coaching may be implemented might be one of the implementers of the personnel strength coaching function. Particularly in the physical development of Air Force members as a benchmark for carrying out obligations to uphold the sovereignty of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and obligations as international representatives. A soldier protecting the curse of the Republic of Indonesia must be physically fit to assist with training implementation and promote physical exercise in daily life. The study’s sample and population in this study, the frequency of training were divided into two portions, namely three and five times per week, and the Tabata training method and basic military training were both applied. This study was carried out in 2022 at Lanud Adi Soemarmo’s Skadron Educator (Skadik) 404 Military Police Corps. The pseudo-experimental method makes use of the 2x2 factorial design. 44 Military Police Corps members, divided into 4 groups of 11 each, made up the sample. The samapta A test, which is a continuous 12-minute run, is used in the military physical fitness exam, provided that the offender receives a 15- to 30-minute rest period and is permitted to drink mineral water after passing the physical fitness test. A. The shuttle run, pull-up, sit-up, and push-up portions of the Samapta B exam are all completed for a total of 60 seconds. Between each test item in the physical fitness B sequence is a five-minute rest break with a predefined time interval. The data were analyzed using bidirectional variance analysis (ANOVA), after which a Tukey test was run with a 0.05 significant level. For the entire data analysis procedure, SPSS software version 25 is employed. The study’s findings support the notion that the frequency and mode of exercise used to increase military physical fitness interact. However, further research on psychological, psychosocial, gender, and other factors connected to enhancing military physical fitness are required.
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