SARS-Cov-2 Outbreaks in Sport and Exercise Settings: A Cross-sectional Study
Objective: This study aimed to retrospectively explore the differences between COVID-19 outbreaks, based on their association with sport/exercise practice and whether expansion among confirmed cases was observed in these settings.
Method: Data from 5,327 COVID-19 outbreaks from the Epidemiological Surveillance Network of the Canary Islands were extracted between 31 January 2020 and 15 May 2021. We compared outbreaks in confirmed cases, close contacts, hospitalisations, admissions to Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and deaths.
Results: The median number of cases per outbreak in sport/exercise settings with transmission was significantly larger (9 [5–16]) compared with outbreaks in other settings (4 [3–7]). Similarly, age of first case (35 [25–44] vs. 42 [30–55] years) and number of close contacts (30 [10–62] vs. 10 [5–21]) presented significant differences. However, no differences were found in number of hospitalisations, admissions to ICU and deaths per outbreak.
Conclusions: Sport and exercise settings may pose a significant burden for contact tracing investigators since they tend to produce larger outbreaks. Regulations did not seem to completely control transmission. To enhance cooperation, specific recommendations and tailored advice are required according to the particular sport or exercise, the environment where it is practised and the available means of the facilities. Policies should encourage alternatives for safer sport/exercise practices.
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